If we could borrow the lyrics to “ Get A Bloomin Move On” for one week,
Wouldn’t that be a great idea?
"We are the Hedgehog Preservation….. Society, the Hedgehog Preservation…. Society,
Get your skates on mate, get your skates on mate,
This is the Hedgehog Preservation…. Society, the Hedgehog Preservation….. Society”
Sung of course in cockney rhyming slang with a hint of Michael Caine thrown in.
For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about it, it’s the cliffhanger ending to 'The Italian Job'.
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society are all about preservation and a whole lot more.
They want the British public to 'look alive' and get our 'skates on' for Hedgehog Awareness Week 3rd–9th May, looking after those gorgeous little animals at the bottom of our gardens.
At Sophie Morrell we'd like to raise money for the hedgehogs.
We might not see gold bullion as a reward, (you never know) and we can’t give a way a Mini Cooper, but we are giving a donation to the society for every card sold next week.
As well as running a competition to win a framed hedgehog print.
If we can make more people aware out there, then maybe we too can have a cliffhanger ending to the week by raising lots of money for hedgehogs.
So we’ve called it ‘The Hedge Job’.
"Hang on a minute lads, I’ve got a great idea…err…err"