By far the hardest animals to draw so far and get right, are definitely dogs.
Unlike cats where I can use a little bit of artistic license, you have to clearly define dogs by their breed.
There are lots of dogs in my imagination, still waiting to be drawn. In fact I've got a whole series worked out. Particularly because of how they will interact with each other in the upcoming range.
They will be a bit like 'the barking chain' of dogs in 101 dalmatians; watched by me 1001 times.
This brings me on to the request I got last week from the new fulfilment warehouse that we have just taken on. I was asked to draw a dalmatian and it was quite a challenge for me.
My aunt used to have a dalmatian called Ringo, after one of the Beatles. I always remember him being very playful and more than a bit 'dotty' to say the least. So I pencilled in the dalmatian around my new ranges which are not yet complete.
All dogs take up a whole lot of thinking time in knowing how to place their legs and by far the hardest bit is getting those loveable expressions just right. But when you do, you know you are on to a winner. Customers love their dogs and like to see them doing things.
I thought I would have him bringing a pair of slippers, as good dogs do.
Then I changed the background to a pink colour and had him fetching the newspaper.
Both designs work well, but we shall see when the sales start coming through.
Another little dog that has become a runaway success is Scruffy the little terrier. I have him pictured on cards and prints having just retrieved his ball and barking out...'Again...again'. Well you can imagine that's what he is saying.
I've attached the new designs here in my first news posting. I'd love to get a few comments back on how he's received by customers. Maybe even a 101 comments? On second thoughts, for writing a first blog page, that might be even harder than drawing one dalmatian.